Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why I am a fan.

Having finished several classes in psychology and counseling, I have found that I, like so many others, have found solace, understanding, comfort and joy in certain songs, TV shows, and movies. I'm a fan because I am aware of all the hard work that goes into making a good movie, TV show or song. It takes love and passion to complete a good product. There are so many other people that contribute to a hit song. I am a fan of good, creative work because it helps me get through a long day at work, counseling others and interacting with the general public. I love people and I often get more involved that I have to, but that is who I am. So when I feel a little tired, or I had a partcularly rough day, I can play a song on my iPod or turn on the radio, and sing a song that takes me away. I wonder if anybody else can relate. If you know what I mean please blog me and share. Thank You. DJ Slam.


  1. Each day is a new day and a new beginning. Today you are in charge of your destiny. Selfishness and greed may motivate you you but it will also cause you to sabotage your own success. Dream a good, plan to help others and serve your community in some way, and the blessings of will come faster than you think. Be grateful and enjoy each day the your eyes open, or you ears hear, or if your lungs fill with breadth. Baketown Records and music promotions is establish to help create the desire to end all minority genocide.

  2. On the 18th at 1:00PM we start our auditions for Dancers, Actors, singers and Rappers. You must be in line before 1:00PM. There is only time to see 30 people. At 1:30 only the selected people will be taken to the Centre Stage Studio doawn stairs. The public is free to watch. Only seven groups or artists will be selected to record. All others, recording time is $35 per hour, REACT members is only $30.00 per hour. Those choose our recording studio will have have first consideration to local Walmart distribution.
